aamanoo To teach children and adults the Quran online

You can now learn the Quran in an interesting way from anywhere in the world. For native and non-native Arabic speakers, for all levels and ages, through teachers with long experience

Our goal

aamanoo team has many goals for the student and the teacher


is the result that we care about, so we teach him

Heart connection with the Quran

He loves it from his heart and aware of its value in his life

Reading the Quran according to the rules of Tajweed

Know the rules and apply them in practice

Memorizing the Quran

He memorizes it in his heart before his mind, so he is one of the people of the Quran

Clarify the verses and explain them from the easy interpretations

So memorization comes with understanding to facilitate the memorization process, and he applies it in his life, to be a guide for him in this world and the hereafter


Appreciation for the teacher of the Quran

Respecting the teacher and appreciating his knowledge is our duty, for every person with knowledge and a noble mission

Support him morally and financially

This makes the teacher able to continue transferring his knowledge and developing his educational tools with love and giving

The role model, friend and educator

The student's excellence and success begin with the teacher. If he loves the teacher and appreciates him, he loves his knowledge and learning

Our teachers

They are graduates of faculties specializing in the Arabic language, and hold certificates (Ejaza) in teaching and memorizing the Quran They have long experience with children and adults, in addition to their experience with non-native Arabic speakers

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